Monday, December 8, 2008

If At First You Don't Succeed . . .

Fig. 01: One of the Early Trials
Unfortunately the first test results were less than entirely satisfactory (Fig. 01).
But it wasn’t merely the outside that was altered in these failed attempts.
There were modifications on the inside as well. The DNA of the testee's ova often mutated, producing offspring with achondroplasia, commonly known as . . . dwarfism.


Ms Scarlet said...

Tee hee

Kate Lord Brown said...

If that's Clive, dwarfism is the least of his worries ...

Unknown said...

Not Clive - it's his potential mom, after liberal use of the mystical not-quite-perfected beauty creme.

Unknown said...

I changed it a bit. That should help.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jesus. Spit-take material all over again...

Have you got, like, an entire folder of these twisted illustrations?!?

Rowena said...


Great one.

Poor Clive, tossed about by the winds of fate, alchemy, and google.

Unknown said...

Contrary to the impression you might have gotten thus far, twisted illusions are not my speciality. I do, however, have several more up my sleeve, and if needs be I can always make more . . .

Ms Scarlet said...

Yes! I was going in the same way with the dwarfism!