Tuesday, December 2, 2008

His Mother

His mother was nice enough in her own way; she was good at making costumes for the school plays; always cheered him on on sports day, but she was fond of vodka Martinis and many a time he came home to find her prostrate on the kitchen floor humming tunelessly along to her favourite song on the radio. He, Violet and Randy would have to pick her up, dust her down. What was that song that she used to hum . . . ?


Mrs Pouncer said...

Hoorah! A believable character at last. Cx

Ms Scarlet said...

Mrs P... what are you doing lurking there... obviously I've been influenced.. or under the influence...

Rowena said...

What? you don't like the dwarf hunchback bartender with the bottle of whiskey under the bar?

He's my favorite, so far.