Wednesday, December 3, 2008


. . . calmly shot Clive in the head. The Dwarf lay dead. His blood soaking into the snow, making it raspberry ripple slush. The man tapped the body with his toe and turned and walked away. It had to be done. Clive had no idea how many people the truth would hurt.

It was Violet who found Clive. And by the side of his frozen body was a key. A key she recognised from the past. A key to a security box that she and Randy had buried almost 16 years ago in the copse behind The Neptune Bar and Tea Rooms.

But surely . . .


Kate Lord Brown said...

The dwarf lay dead. Magnificent line. (It's all feeling quite Raymond Chandlerish this morning ...)

Misssy M said...

Poor much to live for.

Ms Scarlet said...

Thank-you... I was feeling rather cruel.. I think it's because I'm so cold this morning.

Unknown said...

Scarlet killed my dwarf. Now I have a dead hunch-backed dwarf on my hands. I'll have to arrange a funeral of some kind. It’s the least I can do for him after bringing him into this sordid world.
R.I.P. Clive . . .

Rowena said...

Oh, Clive. Maybe your ghost will help us make sense of this mess those fools have gotten them into.

You left a key, although that mystery murderer took your gun.

I know you still want a family.


Ms Scarlet said...

Sorry. He reminded me of the Dwarf in the 'Singing Pear Tree'... I'll have to dig out a pic... then you'll understand...

Anonymous said...

His blood soaking into the snow, making it raspberry ripple slush. It's the raspberry ripple slush that gets me...

I will miss you Clive